The essence of this problem is to determine the optimal point of torpedo release, i.e, the optimal approaching course and the optimal time of torpedo release for the helicopter. 研究攻潜策略实质是确定最优投雷点,即直升机的最优接近航向和投雷时刻。
The optimal occlusion/ release time of PICSO is a compromise value at which the coronary arterial flow and the forward and retrograde flow between capillary and veins all get their relative maximal value. PICSO的最佳闭塞/释放时间是一组使冠状动脉血流以及毛细血管与静脉之间的前、后向血都相对最大时的折中值。
Under the new principle, the optimal release time problems turn out to be probabilistic constrained programs in stochastic programming and the solution procedures are available. 在这种新的策略下,软件最佳投放时间的决定转化为一个带概率约束的最优化问题,该问题是可解的。
To overcome the shortcomings of the principle of minimizing the cost expectation, and to take the risk control into consideration in deciding the optimal release time of software, a principle of "safety-first" is proposed. 为了克服平均成本最小原则无法控制风险的缺点,达到规避风险的目的,针对软件的最佳投放时间的确定,提出了安全第一的原则,该原则将风险控制作为首要目标。
This paper also gives the optimal software release time when the parameters take different values. 分析并给出了在模型参数取不同值时的最优软件发行时间。
As an application of these models, with the help of software reliability growth model and software development cost function, we present an optimal release policy of commercial software product with warranty time. 4. 作为对模型的应用,我们结合基于软件可靠性增长模型和软件开发成本函数的两种控制方法,提出了一个具有质量保证期的商品化软件的最优发布原则。
So far, only the software reliability growth model exist more than one hundred. However, the application of optimal software release time is still not optimistic. 到目前为止,仅软件可靠性增长模型已经提出了一百多种,但是软件最优发布时间决策分析在工业界的应用效果依然不佳。